
Train your team

Train your team with us on site or in installations and in this way be able to take full advantage of our construction system, achieving the greatest efficiency in your next project.

Train your team

Train your team with us on site or in installations and in this way be able to take full advantage of our construction system, achieving the greatest efficiency in your next project.

Upcoming Courses Covintec

Herramientas Covintec

Jueves, 13 febrero  4:00 – 5:30pm

Zona horaria: America/Mexico City

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Productos de Poliestireno Covintec

Jueves, 27 Febrero 4:00 – 5:30pm

Zona horaria: America/Mexico City

Login via Google Meet

Procedimiento Constructivo Covintec

Jueves, 13 marzo 4:00 – 5:30pm

Zona horaria: America/Mexico City

Login via Google Meet

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Armado de Qualylosas Covintec
Armado de Muros Covintec
Costos del sistema Constructivo Covintec
Ventajas Covintec
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