
Desastres Naturales

Due to its three-dimensional structure, it is characterized as a highly structurally resistant system.

Hurricane in Mexico

The geographical position of Mexico makes it one of the countries that suffer earthquakes and hurricanes. However, the strongest that have been recorded are: A hurricane is part of the tropical cyclone family. When cloudiness and winds are organized in a spiral circulation around a defined center of low pressure, with thunderstorms or electrical storms concentric around that center, a tropical cyclone has formed.

Patricia (2015)

It is classified as the most intense hurricane that has ever hit the country, with winds of 260 km/h, which is why it reached category 5.
Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima and Michoacán are the states that suffered the greatest damage.

Gilberto (1988)

The phenomenon made landfall on the Yucatán Peninsula, with winds of 298 km/h.
Nuevo León and Coahuila were the most affected states. In addition, it left 100 dead.

Paulina (1997)

It is one of the most devastating hurricanes in Mexico, as it caused the death of 300 people. The category 4 phenomenon left havoc in Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero.

Stan (2005)

It was a category 1 hurricane, which caused flooding and landslides that caused more than 200 deaths in Veracruz.

Wilma (2005)

One of the most dangerous hurricanes in the country, it made landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula, leaving more than 100 dead.
Quintana Roo and Yucatán were the states most affected.

"Resistente a huracanes, tornados y sismos"

Debido a su estructura tridimensional se caracteriza como un sistema altamente estructuralmente resistente. Las edificaciones con paneles resistieron sin presentar daños alguno el paso de los mas grandes huracanes que cruzaron por México Huracán Otis Acapulco 2023 (categoría 5) Huracán “Dean”  península de Yucatán 2007 (categoría 5) Huracán Odile  Baja California Sur 2014 (categoría 4) . Además debido a su estructura tridimensional de acero de alta resistencia y al concreto con que esta recubierta, les permitió resistir los siguientes sismos:

  • Sismo del 19 de septiembre 2017 centro de México (magnitud 8.2 ) 

  • El 7 de septiembre 2021 en la costa de guerrero (magnitud 7.1).

  • Incendios Santa Barba California 2017  

Rivera Maya

The best proof we have of Covintec resistiendo huracantes, se encuentra documentada en este vídeo, de nada menos que mil habitaciones, construido a pie de playa hace más de 15 años y que resistió durante su construcción el impacto del huracán Wilma un huracán de categoría e impacto muy similares a lo que se vivió con Otis en Acapulco. No dejes de verlo

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